I tell you what would be really interesting (and helpful to your cause) and that would be to describe life under the system you propose. How should be all live SPECIFICALLY.
They do.. but not with the same personas. You demonstrate this yourself. One Clare is charming and amiable in real life while her Internet twin is a supervillain.
As usual, you are half right and half completely wrong. One reason for the behaviour of women is that they lack respect for men and one reason for this is a lack of dignity in men, and one reason for this is fatherlessness. We think that only women can break this chain because men are sexually weak and will fall at the feet of the first women who gives them attention but this does not need to be so. A man who insists upon monogamy both for himself and his partner will be initially disbelieved and then grudgingly accepted.
I tell you what would be really interesting (and helpful to your cause) and that would be to describe life under the system you propose. How should be all live SPECIFICALLY.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Secular-Koranism-moral-legal-system/dp/B0C6W82CY5 should give you a pretty good idea.
I had no idea you had a book. Impressed.
It's hardly a best seller, but thank you for being nice about it!
Are you able to quote the parts of this post you have identified as being “completely wrong”?
Don’t you think real people in real life participate in internet chatter?
They do.. but not with the same personas. You demonstrate this yourself. One Clare is charming and amiable in real life while her Internet twin is a supervillain.
Have we met?
Speakers Corner
Aha! I wasn't sure if you were that Richard.
As usual, you are half right and half completely wrong. One reason for the behaviour of women is that they lack respect for men and one reason for this is a lack of dignity in men, and one reason for this is fatherlessness. We think that only women can break this chain because men are sexually weak and will fall at the feet of the first women who gives them attention but this does not need to be so. A man who insists upon monogamy both for himself and his partner will be initially disbelieved and then grudgingly accepted.
Which bit was "completely wrong"?
It denies the agency of men and mistakes internet chatter for real life. Simps and thots take up a lot of bandwidth online.
Who mistakes internet chatter for real life?
What denies the agency of men?
You average human is … average. Thots and simps are very busy online but in real life more conservative.
Will you be answering my question about which part of my post is “completely wrong”?
It is not so much that you violate your own internal logic, it is more that you are answering questions that do not need to exist.
I wouldn’t be asking you questions if you didn’t make statements you can’t explain.