The Concubine/Girlfriend/Going Steady Contract
This concubine/girlfriend arrangement would result in a very cheap wedding indeed.
While fornication and adultery are explicitly forbidden by the Koran, they are allowed in the context of prostitution if committed in a licensed brothel in a red-light distract.
This is because prostitution is not explicitly forbidden. Indeed actually says do not force your slave girls into slavery if they wish to remain chaste, but if they are prepared to prostitute themselves in order to manumit themselves sooner, a safe working environment must be provided for them in the form of licensed brothels.
The purpose of allowing this is to prevent any woman not the wife of the man who impregnated her from expecting him to maintain her and her illegitimate offspring.
A man who impregnated the prostitute can very reasonably point to the fact that he has already paid for her services as a prostitute and never intended to father a child with her.
The purpose is also to make it very clear to men that no such thing as free love exists and the man always has to pay a woman for sex whether or not he has married her.
Marriage is the most expensive form of sex and prostitution the cheaper option for unmarriageable men.
The grey area in between married sex and prostitute sex will always confuse men and women so the law must be clear. For this reason, I propose a Concubine Contract.
To protect themselves from being pumped and dumped single mother, women should register their Concubine Contract with the man they are currently having sex with after both agreeing to it. There will of course be a Registry of Concubines who will have marriage rights against the man who impregnates and fathers their child.
Mothers who are not wives with no Concubine Contract will of course be treated as unmarried mothers attracting the punishment of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring together with the unmarried father.
Should the concubine become pregnant and give birth to a child, the child will be automatically legitimate because the birth of the child will be deemed to be the marriage of the couple in question.
The benefits of this arrangement is that there will be no expensive wedding to pay for!