Nature abhors a vacuum.
If white people become extinct, race replacement becomes an inevitability, doesn't it?
If they don't become extinct, they cannot stay in existence as Christo-Liberalism is kaput. Both Christianity and Liberalism are luxury beliefs.
A luxury belief is something only very privileged people can afford because it is so detached from reality it is actually absurd.
Because it is so absurd and removed from reality, people who hold on to luxury belief systems become extinct.
Examples of luxury belief systems: Jainism, feminism, the Aztec belief system, the Roman imperial belief system before it was superseded by Christianity.
White Supremacy is a belief system based on the idea that white people are so superior that they do not need an official moral system to hold their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes accountable for their actions. When their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes implement policies that are obviously against the interests of white people, these White Supremacists blame the Jews. Because America the global hegemon bases its entire foreign policy on protecting the US colony of Israel, it will be perceived that Jews control America, which is a belief that the US government allows so that when things really do go wrong, the US government too can also blame the Jews.
Like everyone else, Jews are just the pawns of the cunning neocons, having been made mascots of the American Empire.
Jews were made the mascots of the American Empire because it needs the narrative that Americans are the good guys protecting Jews in the Middle East from being exterminated by murderous Arab Muslims. If not for this mythos, America would just be an amoral global hegemon propagating free love, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah.
Basically, a luxury belief system is a belief system that attracts the jizya after you have lost the war against Muslims but still want to keep it.
What is supposed to happen is that when you lose a defensive war, your conquerors would impose their belief system on you, the conquered country.
In short, a luxury belief system impoverishes your society until you can no longer afford the luxury belief in question.
Since you would rather your society and civilisation die than correct yourself, there will be a new belief system to replace the no longer affordable luxury beliefs that you currently hold. In other words, the only question to be decided is whether you will jump first or wait to be pushed by circumstances after a prolonged period of decline, division and degeneracy.
Jews do not have a legal system everyone can follow. In fact, they have 613 laws that they now find impossible to keep. To the extent that they have any guidance for gentiles, it would be the Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy etc. But the first two Noahide laws would infringe on the First Amendment which protects freedom of belief and expression.
Rabbis could reconcile this by declaring Islam the most and Christianity the least Noahide, but they refuse.
Once Islam is declared the most Noahide, Secular Koranism would have to be declared the most Noahide secular legal system on the table even if there is nothing in the Koran that actually forbids idolatry or blasphemy.
But no one is interested because no one cares. America is supposed to have a global empire but I cannot find anyone in it after so many years of trying to find someone capable of engaging with what I am saying. All I ever speak to are low status people who are more invested in expressing hatred than being constructive playing the Blame Game as if their lives depended on it with their mental health, drink and drug issues as well as a substandard education preventing them from even expressing themselves in their own language clearly.
They refuse to do anything other than play the blame game because not doing so would mean becoming a Secular Koranist or being prepared to entertain the idea of Secular Koranism which means getting kicked out of their pathetic online communities dedicated to expressing hatred against Jews, Muslims, non-whites and women. So they would literally rather die. To the extent that these groups actually consider any question, it is endlessly asking themselves whom they hate more - Jews, Muslims, non-whites or women? and never really making up their minds or doing anything about it.
The reason for this is because their atheism prevents them from actually caring about what would happen to their society after they are dead. Being full of personality disorders and dependency issues as well as having mummy and daddy issues, these unmarriageable people will most likely die childless. Also, it would appear that they are not even remotely acquainted with deductive reasoning and only think like brats ie "I don't like it, I don't wanna, you can't make me."
If the majority of whites refuse to be married parents, then white people as a racial group will continue to be an ageing and shrinking group, and we know where this will end, don't we? It will end in non-whites taking over.
If there is an Asian takeover of the West, then whites will have to consider the relative merits of Hinduism and Islam and have to choose which side to support: Hindus or Muslims.
We already know Hindus themselves don't take their own beliefs seriously.
If you had to be conquered by a religious group, would you prefer to be conquered by a religious group with a codified legal system - Islam - or a group who make up the rules as they go along - Hinduism? Arrogant and prideful Westerners refuse to subject themselves to the rule of law and are hooked on the idea that white people are too cool for rules and could just trust their corrupt and incompetent rulers to make up the rules as they go along.
Isn't the answer about which is better obvious? Or, do you, being a childless and unmarriageable ant-natalist and nihilist, adopt the medium term strategy of hoping to go to your grave before the Islamic Revolutions of the West, when the answer becomes clear?